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At Gather+Grow, we are committed to making services accessible through accepting a range of funding sources. We schedule funding consultations with all new clients during the intake process to help you navigate your options.



Private Pay Investment

Please contact us for our current private pay rates​.


We reserve the right to change our rates at any time and will provide notice to families receiving services.




We accept Kaiser Permanente and Colorado's state Medicaid plan, HealthFirst, as an in network provider for SLP and OT. Mental Health Services are all out-of-network at this time. From time to time, individual therapists may not be credentialed with your insurance, which would be discussed with you prior to scheduling.


We hold funding consultations as part of our intake process, during which time we discuss all available options, including insurance and the option to submit superbills to your insurance company as an out-of-network provider. 


As an out-of-network provider, you are able to be directly reimbursed by your insurance company under your out-of-network benefit upon submission of superbills. We encourage you to call your insurance company in advance of starting services to discuss your benefit plan.




We are vendors with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and provide Cognitive Skills and Sensory Integration Training to support work-related goals.


Our sister organization, Inclusion on Purpose, provides nontherapeutic employment services including Job Development and Job Coaching.



Imagine! ASD Program

For children and young adults living in Boulder and Broomfield counties who have an autism spectrum diagnosis, we partner with Imagine! to accept funding for participants of the autism spectrum program. Click here for more information. 



Early Intervention

We additionally provide early intervention services through Imagine!, DDRC, and NMCS for children ages 0-3 living in Boulder, Broomfield, Jefferson, and Adams counties. Early intervention is free to all Colorado children ages 0-3 who qualify. You can access the referral form here.



SLS, CES, & DD waivers

Gather+Grow is a Program Approved Service Agency (PASA) and provides the following limited SLS, CES, and DD Waiver Services: 


Dating and Sexuality Course (utilizing mentorship funding)

Adventure Camp (utilizing the CES camp respite benefit)

Mental Health Counseling


Our sister organization, Inclusion on Purpose, provides robust SLS and DD programming including Supported Community Connections, Mentorship, Behavioral Counseling, and Supported Employment.


Schedule a Free Consultation

The best way to learn more is to chat with us! 

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